“…… For I am the Lord, who heals you”
The spiritual ministry is a fundamental service offered by the PCEA CHOGORIA HOSPITAL chaplaincy team. They make daily rounds and are available 24-hours a day to provide pastoral care for patients, family members and staff. They deliver objective crisis intervention and spiritual support. The main objective is to share Christ through compassionate health care. Because spirit is an important dimension of human wholeness and the healing process, its mission is to assist patients, families and staff as they face the emotional and spiritual impact of illness and crisis.
This service helps deal with issues of fear, loneliness, and ethical values, questions of meaning, hopelessness and hope.
Patients’ Ministry: the hospital evangelist and chaplain shares the love of Christ in Out Patient Department (OPD) and waiting areas, ward spiritual ministry for all inpatients, this includes evangelism, crisis counselling, discipleship, encouragement and comfort to the bereaved. All our patients have a right to receive quality spiritual care. Ministry to Staff: it promote spiritual growth, offer moral support and spiritual assistance to all staff in Chogoria Hospital. Chapel Services: The Monday morning chapel service continues to be the main service for all staff, there is morning devotions in all the departments from 7:30am-8:30am from Tuesday to Friday.
To provide compassionate care to the patient. We understand that compassionate care plays a big role in mortality, coping and also recovery
Available services
Patients’ Ministry: the hospital evangelist and chaplain shares the love of Christ in Out Patient Department (OPD) and waiting areas, ward spiritual ministry for all inpatients, this includes evangelism, crisis counselling, discipleship, encouragement and comfort to the bereaved. All our patients have a right to receive quality spiritual care. Ministry to Staff: it promote spiritual growth, offer moral support and spiritual assistance to all staff in Chogoria Hospital. Chapel Services: The Monday morning chapel service continues to be the main service for all staff, there is morning devotions in all the departments from 7:30am-8:30am from Tuesday to Friday.
Our main agenda is:
To provide compassionate care to the patient. We understand that compassionate care plays a big role in mortality, coping and also recovery