Quality Assurance

Quality is employee’s responsibility and this policy is communicated to all staff who are aware of
their distinct activities yet integral part of the overall organization’s quality system. They are also
made aware of how their activities relate and depend on each other to achieve the quality objective
of the hospital.

PCEA Chogoria Hospital is dedicated to consistently strive for excellence in Health Care Service
provision that will meet and exceed requirements and expectations of our customers.

PCEA Chogoria Hospital will uphold a high standard of Health Care Service provisions with pro-
fessionalism and compassion, using specialized skills and ethical practice towards our valued cus-

  • Comply with relevant regulatory requirements to discharge our mandate
  • Ensure internal and external Customer satisfaction
  • Determine quality goals and objectives, and collect data to improve Health Care Service
    provisions and Patient Satisfaction within the Hospital
  • Provide proactive, predictive and preventive Occupational Health and Safety, Risk Man-
    agement, Infection Prevention Control and Waste Management for all customers
  • Partnering with various stakeholders to ensure provision of quality Health Care Services
  • Provide adequate resources to offer quality Health Care Services and ultimately improve
    performance of the hospital